Real-time Workspace visibility for under and above ground construction sites.

Real-time Workspace visibility Systems for workers safety and operational monitoring of construction equipment in real-time with a digital twin of the construction site.

How our construction solution improve safety

Provide full compliance with regulations and maintain safety at construction site with Real-time visibilty solutions

Control Entry / Exit

Control entry/exit for high-risk environments and receive real-time lists with location information whether under/above ground, in each gallery, tunnel or zone

Provide Extra Safety

Provide extra safety for employees in high-risk working areas with safety features such as panic buttons, motion/fall sensors with alerts in case of prolonged employee inactivity or fall​

Create Geofences

Create geo-fences for critical/hazardous areas and receive alerts when there is an unauthorized access

Comply with safety regulations

Comply with safety regulations for critical resources such as people or compliance-mandated equipment with historical data and reporting

Minimize risk

Minimize risk during emergency with instant discovery and faster response time

Manage emergency

Manage emergency without interruption during power outages and hazardous situations

Improved muster

Improved muster event response (faster processing and locating)

Accurate Location

Use the most accurate location technology in emergency management for fast response

Solutions for Construction